
RISC UK completes CPR on North Sea assets for Premier Oil

Premier Oil contracted RISC to perform due diligence and write a Competent Person’s Report (CPR) on the valuation of reserves and assessment of resources for the UK North Sea assets of German power and gas company E.On E & P UK Limited.

RISC’s CPR included seven producing fields for reserves and fields which have ceased production,  two fields for undeveloped contingent resources, eleven discoveries and key exploration prospects and two processing terminals and pipeline gathering systems.

Our CPR contained a review of the historic field development and current status of the producing fields, summarised the reservoir Description and In Place Volumes, described the reservoir performance and production Forecasts, outlined the future development and costs, and summarised any upside opportunities.

Premier_Oil_RISC_CPR_2016Read more about our process in our latest Case Study – click here.


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