Due Diligence

Identifying critical issues and creating value

RISC has extensive experience in carrying out due diligence for clients who are considering transactions in the energy industry. We understand that the transactions being considered can range from tens of millions to hundreds of millions or billions of dollars and represent a material exposure for our clients.

Our highly skilled teams work across disciplines (geoscience, reservoir engineering, development engineering and commercial) to extract a clear understanding of the value, risks, and opportunities, often from large and diffuse datasets and within tight timeframes. We promptly identify the critical issues and deliver objective advice on which our clients can rely; this includes:

  • Exploration valuation and prospect assessment
  • In-place resource estimates
  • Development plans, costs and schedules
  • Production profiles and recoverable resources
  • Economic assessment and evaluation
  • Commercial assessment and risk
  • Environment, Social and Governance
  • Decommissioning, abandonment, and rehabilitation

We provide support for acquisitions and mergers, debt/equity raising, and vendor due diligence to support sales processes. Over the last 15 years we have carried out more than 500 due diligence projects for over 200 clients worldwide.

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