
RISC completes ITSR for High Grade Metals Limited on Mongolian coal seam gas exploration projects of Jade Gas Pty Ltd

RISC was engaged by High Grade Metals Limited to prepare an Independent Technical Specialist’s Report in relation to the Mongolian coal seam gas exploration projects of Jade Gas Pty Ltd. RISC’s report formed part of the prospectus for the purposes of re-compliance with Chapters 1 and 2 of the ASX Listing Rules and relisting of High Grade Metals Limited to be renamed Jade Gas Holding Limited.

To view RISC’s ITSR please click here, or to view our report in the full prospectus document please click here. RISC’s report begins on page 76.

RISC has many of its reports listed in the public domain. Some of our most recent reports can be found on our website under the public reports page.

For more information on our report please contact us.

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