Independent Technical and Expert Reports

Independent, comprehensive and impartial advice

RISC provides comprehensive and independent advice to listed companies (ASX, SGX, TSE, LSE and others), banks, financiers, private equity and government agencies. Our experts have years of energy industry insight and our reputation as a world class independent advisor gives stakeholders the confidence to make key business decisions.

Independent reports are a requirement of most stock exchanges in a variety of situations, including initial listing, take-overs and mergers. The terminology and requirements of each stock exchange are unique, but the requirement for independence is common.

Competent Person’s Reports

RISC is experienced in providing Competent Person’s Reports (CPRs) for the LSE and AIM, and Independent Expert Report services to organisations around the world.

Internationally, RISC has completed Competent Person’s/Specialist’s Reports and Independent Valuations for interests in a variety of countries including: The UK, Denmark, Indonesia, China, Vietnam, Senegal, Tunisia, Nigeria, Kurdistan, Madagascar, and Myanmar.

Independent Technical Specialist Reports

We carry out Independent Technical Specialist Reports (ITSRs) for companies listing on the ASX, and for take-over defence and transaction purposes. In addition to the CPRs indicated above, we have carried out ITSRs for organisations with assets in Australia, Indonesia, Thailand, Philippines, and USA.

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