RISC have collaborated with the SPE Curtin Student Chapter to run a series of technical talks and networking events for 2018. The first event of the series was held on 28th March at RISC’s Office in West Perth where 30 Curtin students from different engineering disciplines attended the presentation and had the chance to network with our experienced staff to share their experiences of the oil and gas industry. Head of Geoscience Ian Cockerill presented ‘Unconventional Plays: The differences and challenges between North American proven unconventional systems and recognised unconventional opportunities in Australia’, which was very well received by the students.
RISC sees these events as a way to give back and pass on its legacy to today’s graduates, recognising they are the future of the industry. We are a proud sponsor of the SPE Curtin Student Chapter and pleased that this event continues to deepen the established relationship we have with Curtin University.
Feedback from the students
“We felt very welcomed by your colleagues. They were very keen to have a chat with us and am sure we all appreciated this along with the drinks and nibbles you provided. A big thank you from our community to you.”
“The content of the presentation was very interesting and applicable to us all. It was relevant enough for all the petroleum engineers to pick up all of the important points and general enough for the chemical engineers to gain an understanding and start asking some questions.”
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