Bridgeport Energy Limited (Bridgeport) recently retained RISC to undertake an independent audit and valuation of its reserves, 1C, 2C and 3C contingent resources and prospective resources within its Eromanga Basin and Surat Basin permits in Queensland as at 1 August 2018. The results from this audit formed the basis for a valuation of the company’s assets.
Bridgeport’s Chief Technical Officer Barry Smith commended RISC for its efforts and has given the following testimonial upon completing the project:
“Thank you for your expert handling and delivery of the audit of Bridgeport’s reserves and resources and the valuation of Bridgeport’s assets. I can speak on behalf of the team here when I say that RISC transformed a somewhat daunting task into a manageable process. We are pleased with the quality of the reports and look forward to working with RISC sometime in the future.”
To view the official ASX Release detailing Bridgeport’s 2018 Petroleum Reserves and Contingent Resources Statement, please click here.
Surat-Bowen Basin Assets Cooper-Eromanga Basin Assets
RISC has over 20 years’ experience offering our independent opinion to clients , with asset valuations being one of our core capabilities. Our team of geoscientists, petroleum engineers, development facilities engineers and commercial consultants work together to help our clients evaluate the technical attributes of oil and gas assets, their performance and operability, and market value. To find out more on how we can help you, please visit our Capabilities page on our website or call us on +61 8 9420 6660.
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