Following production license expiry, our client acquired a mature, 220 well, 800 million barrel producing oil field with no interpreted data or models. RISC was asked to conduct detailed petrophysical, structural, geological and dynamic modelling from raw seismic and well data to quantify the future production and further development potential.
Our approach
RISC analysed logs from 220 wells after having the significant proportion of paper logs digitised. Structural and fault mapping was conducted and integrated with the 200 wells to provide a reliable base structure model. A range of geological models were constructed in Petrel incorporating regional, field performance, core and log data. Saturation and permeability models were constructed matching core, log, well test and well productivity data. Full field models were exported for history matching using Eclipse.
Our evaluation identified a bug in the production allocation that had to be repaired, in discussion with the client, to obtain a history match. Models were subsequently history matched and used to determine production forecasts, four infill well opportunities and resource estimates.
This 440 man-day project was completed in 10 months with regular presentations to the client to frame, obtain acceptance and hand-over the petrophysical, structural, geological and dynamic models.
- Our client was provided production forecasts, development options and the tools to manage the field
- The clients plans to blow down the gas cap were deferred to optimise oil production and asset value
- Prompt interpretation provided the client with knowledge and understanding to quickly transition as the new operator, to make key decisions with confidence and optimise value going forward